Orienteering Mapping and Permanent Course Installation

We specialise in orienteering mapping for schools, parks, outdoor centres and forests.

We also design and install permanent orienteering courses for public use.

Visit our Permanent Orienteering Courses page for details of existing courses we have established.

Orienteering maps for schools, parks and other outdoor spaces differ from competition orienteering maps. Sites such as these predominantly consist of man-made features with a range of detail (posts, seats, playground equipment, etc.) not found on competition maps. Therefore these maps are usually at a larger scale.

From a cartographic point of view, an exaggeration of two or three times the original size of a feature is acceptable.

Please contact us for a no-obligation quote.

Mapping examples

Schools mapping

Orienteering Mapping for Schools

Parks mapping

Orienteering Mapping for parks

Outdoor Centres mapping

Orienteering Mapping for outdoor centres

Forests mapping

Orienteering Mapping for forests